Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Of course! I get what I think is an amazing boyfriend..and one that I have actually stayed with longer than 2 months..and now I find something wrong! I have his myspace password..i have had it for like 2 months. and 2 months ago i got in there and i read some messages between him and his ex that they had written each other when they were dating. they told each other they loved each other in like every message. and then there was a girl that he was talking to but never dated and he had her over to his house and they hung out in his room and stuff. well he told me that i was the only girl he's told that he loves. and he told me also that i'm the only girl that's ever been in his house let alone his room and on his bed. and he has also said that he didn't care about his ex as much as he cares about me. but some of the messages i read def. showed that he cared about her a lot! and he says that i'm his longest relationship at going on 4 months...he dated this ex for a year and 2 months! so i know for sure he's lying to me about some stuff...and i'm just wondering what else he's lying about...ughhh

I am just so scared that there's major stuff that he's lying about that I need to figure out. But I've never been good with talking to people about serious stuff because i am so emotional and i'm scared because every serious talk i've had with someone eventually led to us breaking up or us not talking to each other ever again..and I don't want that with Austin...ugghhh...why does life gotta suck so hardcore!!??


Nathan said...

Mmm . . . liars are never good.

Maybe you should try, oh . . . lets say, taking things slow with your next boyfriend.

Getting too deep too fast ends relationships with a quickness. Maybe you should try casual dating as opposed to being his "girlfriend."

And just one word of advice, DON'T TELL ANYONE YOU LOVE THEM for a while into the relationship. I know from experience, it comes backs to bite you . . .

Praying for you!

Keym said...

Nate and I dated for ever before we hit the I love you oey goey stage. The problem with snooping is you find stuff you don't want to know. Liars suck. Will it really matter if you guys break up if he is a liar? These are just a few questions to think upon. Have you prayed about God delivering the right person for you?